Aviation Consultants Worldwide is excited to offer a new way to conduct simulator briefings. Forget the “old industry standard” briefing that was accomplished by the instructor opening up a simulator instructor guide to brief the session from. Aviation Consultants Worldwide once again raises the bar by offering a simulator briefing tool that allows the students to receive and instructors to give a more “standardized briefing” of the session without the use of any manuals. Once the briefing is complete, the instructor can then click on the “Print Sim Session” link to print out that specific lesson to a designated printer.
Another item Aviation Consultants Worldwide offers is an E-Jets Study Guide (for the E-170 and E-190). Our systems study guide goes beyond the normal “Switch and Lights” guide that other companies offer. Our study guide not only offers each overhead panel and a description of the lights and switches on the panel, we also have a “System Overview” section, limitations and any recall items associated with that system.
Click on any of the links below to view a sample of what Aviation Consultants Worldwide can do to enhance your Flight Training Department.
Click Here to view a sample simulator briefing.
Click Here to view animated APU Start.
Click Here to view a sample system of the E-190 Study Guide